Monthly Archives: January 2009

c) Laws on electricity : Point Power


During the kite experiment, Benjamin Franklin put an iron stalk on the kite. As he wanted to prove the similarities between lightning and electricity, that was an exellent reasoning.

Indeed, a law regarding electricity was discovered after Franklin’s life-time. It tells us the smaller an object is, the stronger its electric field is near it. The law involved is Gauss’ law.

Gauss' law

Where E is the value of the electric field in a point near the sphere,

1/(4πε) is a constant ( also called k),

Q the total electric charge of the sphere,

and r the radius from the source to the point.


E(S1)= k*Q*(1/R²)= (k*Q)/(2r)²= (k*Q)/r² * ¼

= ¼ E(S2)

E(S2)= k*Q*(1/r²)= (k*Q)/r²= (k*Q)/r²= 4 E(S1)

E is inversely proportional to r squared

That proves that with a radius twice smaller, S2 owns an electric field 4 times stronger near it.

If we apply that principle to an infinitely small object, its electric field will be infinitely strong near it. And if we identify a point as a small object, its electric field is strongly worth. It is an important factor that allows the ionization of the air particles wich determines the path of the lightning.




For a long time, humans have justified the lightning as god’s penalty. Then came the time they wanted to protect themselves from that natural phenomenon.

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston and died in 1790, in Philadelphia. He was a pioneer in the research about the lightning so there weren’t any precedent studies about the similarities between lightning and electricity. He had to lead a typically scientific step to advance the concern. As expected, his first question about the lightning was “What is lightning?” .He had in fact an intuition. Indeed He is the one who discovered the electric nature of the lightning. During the Age of Enlightenment, a century full of discoveries, Franklin’s lightning rod was one of the main inventions and never stopped evolving from 1752 to now.

What we are talking about is the initiative that took an inventor, at the risk of his life, to give out a shield to the humankind. We’ll study the lightning then, its similarities with electricity and Franklin’s legacy in the modern lightning rod.

b) Benjamin Franklin’s thoughts and his letters


Benjamin Franklin wrote about his experiments dealing with the similarities between electricity and lightning in five formal letters from 1747 to 1752. He addressed his letter to a Fellow of the Royal Society of London Peter Collinson, who provided him with equipments he needed. The English man published them in a pamphlet entitled Experiments and Observations on Electricity made at Philadelphia in America, by Benjamin Franklin and communicated in several letters.

In his first letters, Benjamin Franklin described “the wonderful effect of pointed bodies, both in drawing off and throwing off the electrical fire”. He showed that sharp points work better that blunt bodies. He proved that it is more efficient to use metal points than dry wood. Besides, the pointed object would be grounded in order to obtain a maximum draw effect.


In the second letter, Benjamin Franklin explained the electrical mechanism of the leyden jar, the first electrical capacitor. He started to use the term “charge” and “discharge” when describing the Leyden jar in the third letter. And he described an electrical battery which he used later to simulate the effects of lightning in a variety of material.


Based on his previous experiments with the power of point, in his fourth letter, Benjamin Franklin speculated that when an electrified cloud passes over a region, it will draw electricity and discharge high hills and trees, towers, chimney etc.

In his last letter, he attempted to explicate the power of point. Sharp points discharge silently and produce large effects at greater distance contrary to blunt bodies. Then, he stated what he called “Law of Electricity”: the point will tend to “draw on and throw off the electrical fluid with more or less power and at a greater or smaller distances, and in larger or smaller quantities in the same time” as the angle of point is more or less acute.

From his earlier experiments, Benjamin Franklin knew that tall objects were preferred places for lightning to strike. Therefore, even if the point discharges did not neutralize the cloud, grounded conductor would provide a safe path for the lightning to go to ground.

a)The kite experiment


During summer 1752, in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin carry out the kite experiment to prove the similarities between electricity and lightning.

Benjamin Franklin supposed that he could withdraw electricity from a charged body with another point sharped one. So if the clouds are electrified, we could safely discharge them and protect people against lightning disasters.

We are going to explain his arguments with other terms.


(a) There is a separation of electrical charges when the metallic point is isolated.

(b) When the rod is linked to the ground, a steady current is flowing through the rod.

The picture (a) represents a metal rod which is negatively charged at the bottom and isolated under a stormy cloud. The electric field, vertically directed to the bottom, induces a separation of the charges in the rod. The negative charges in the air neutralize some positive charges at the top of the rod. Therefore, it gets negative charges in excess. When a conductor body linked to the ground, as a person, touches the isolated rod, it produces a spark. Whereas in picture (b), when a rod is linked to the ground, the negative charges flow from the rod to the ground. One can see a glimmer at the top of the stick.

Franklin decided to make a kite with two crossed-sticks and a silk handkerchief. He put an iron point on the vertical silk. At the end of the rope, he fixed a key.


During a thunderstorm, he went in the meadow with his son. He sheltered from the rain in a hangar and let the kite. Then, Benjamin Franklin noticed that some wisp of the rode moved away from each other and stiffened. He touched the key and a spark appeared. The phenomenon repeated. He proved then that the clouds are charged and that lightning is an electrical disaster.


Bibliography & webography




Electricity in the 17th & 18 centuries: a study of early modern physics – J.L Heilborn

An introduction to the mathematics of electricity and magnetism – U.G Chambers

Electricité et électromagnétisme – Joseph Cipriam et Hans Hasmonay

Books available at Georges Pompidou Center

R. Nave. Gauss’ Law, 2008

Benjamin Franklin’s life

The Benjamin Franklin tercentenary, 2008

Musée des arts et métiers. Benjamin Franklin, homme de science, homme du monde, 2008

Benjamin Franklin and the lightning conductor

E. Philip Krieder. Benjamin Franklin and the first lightning conductor, 2004

Robert A. Morse. Franklin on lightning and lightning rods, 2004

Benjamin Franklin and lightning rods. Physicstoday, 2008

Lightning Protection

Kuefler lightning protection, 2008

Richard Kithil. Fundamentals of Lightning Protection, 2008

Protection. Orage et foudre, 2004

The kite experiment

Experimentations : l’experimentation de benjamin Franklin en 1752 TPE : les orages, 2008


MSN Encarta



Dictionnaire en ligne Anglais-Français et Français-Anglais (vocabulaire spécialisé). Freelang, 2008

TV5-Dictionnaire MEDIADICO, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions about Lightning Protection Systems


Frequently Asked Questions about Lightning Protection Systems

Q. Do lightning rods actually attract lightning?
A. No; they neither attract nor repel lightning. If lightning strikes, a protection system simply creates a pre-determined path of low resistance to the ground, facilitating a harmless discharge of the lightning strike.

Q. Our home is grounded; doesn’t that protect us?
A. No; a house may be grounded to insure electrical safety; however, grounding is not intended to prevent lightning damage.

Q. Our antenna is grounded; doesn’t that protect us?
A. No; an antenna is not designed to handle a lightning strike. It allows dangerous current to enter the home.

Q Don’t our trees protect our home? .
A. No; many times after trees are struck, the lightning can be sideflashed to the house.

Q. Can’t we install our own lightning protection?
A. No; an improperly-installed system may be very dangerous. Lightning protection is a very specialized industry requiring trained technicians. A proper system takes into account your home’s design, construction, electrical components, soil condition, location and more.

Q. Won’t it ruin the aesthetics of our home?
A. No; the system can be concealed within the walls during the construction stage. For existing homes, conductors can be semi-concealed.


c) How a lightning protection system works



A lightning protection system is designed to control or force the lightning discharge on a specified path, thus eliminating the chance of fire or explosion within nonconductive parts of the house. This may include the phone, cable, or electrical lines, the water or gas pipes, or (in the case of a steel-framed building) the structure itself. Lightning usually will follow one or more of these paths to ground, sometimes jumping through the air via a side flash to reach a better-grounded conductor (watch animation above). As a result, lightning presents several hazards to any house or building:

panneau_019Fire– Fire can start anywhere the exposed lightning channel contacts, penetrates or comes near flammable material (wood, paper, gas pipes, etc) in a building – including structural lumber or insulation inside walls and roofs. When lightning follows electrical wiring, it will often overheat or even vaporize the wires, creating a fire hazard anywhere along affected circuits.
warningSide flashes – Side flashes can jump across rooms, possibly injuring anyone who happens to be in the way. They can also ignite materials such as a gasoline in a garage.
eclair_05Damage to building materials – The explosive shock wave created by a lightning discharge can blow out sections of walls, fragment concrete and plaster, and shatter nearby glass.
panneau_024Damage to electrical appliances – Televisions, microwaves, phones, washers, lamps and just about anything plugged into an affected circuit may be damaged beyond repair. Electronic devices and computers are especially vulnerable.

Each year 32 million lightning strike truck the surface of earth. The consequences of so many lightning are thousands of homes and other properties are destroyed or damaged by lightning strikes. Unprotected homes risk to be damaged by fire, explosions or electrical surges. Personal injury can occur in an unprotected house which has been struck by the lightning. The effects of such a lighting strike can devastate a human both physically and emotionally.

A lightning protection system does not prevent a lightning strike, but provides a safe path on which the lightning current can safely be directed to the ground. The air terminals, cables and ground rods work together to prevent fire and other hazard which can damage the structure and appliances.


b) Lightning protection systems – Some stereotypes


A lightning protection system’s only purpose is to ensure safety to a building and its occupants if lightning happens to hit them directly.  And contrary to the myths, lightning protection systems:

panneau_016Don’t attract lightning
panneau_016Don’t and cannot dissipate or prevent lightning by ‘draining’ a storm of its charge
icones_01333Do offer fire protection and structural damage protection by preventing a hot, explosive lightning passing through building materials.

06Lightning protection systems (including placement of rods, cables, and groundings) are designed for individual structures. They should only be installed by qualified contractors.
warningLightning protection systems don’t always prevent damage to electronics or computers. You should still unplug such devices during thunderstorms.

a) Components of a lightning protection system


Currently, the lightning conductor refers to all a protection system designed to protect people from the lightning, so the real lightning rod is only a small part of a complete lightning protection system. In fact, the rods may play the least important role in a system installation. A lightning protection system is composed of three main components:

icones_01333Rods or air terminals: Rods can be found in different shapes, sizes and designs. Most are topped with a tall, pointed needle or a smooth polished sphere. The functionality of different types of lightning rods, and even the necessity of rods are subjects of many scientific debates.

icones_01333Conductor cables: These heavy cables are made of copper or aluminum. They connect air terminals to the grounds cables and carry lightning current from the rods to the ground. Cables are run along the tops and around the limits of roofs, then down one or more corners of a building to the ground rod(s).

icones_01333Ground rods or protection grounds: Long, heavy rods buried deep into the earth, around a protected structure. Main conductors are set at least 300 meters deep in the earth and are attached to metal grounding rods. Special requirements are sometimes necessary in sandy or rocky soil. The conductor cables are connected to these rods to complete a safe path for a lightning discharge around a structure. The energy is directed into the ground as current flows through the rods. Then the chance for injury or damage is eliminated.

The conductor cables and ground rods are the most important components of a lightning protection system, which  divert lightning current safely through the structure. A full protection setup composed of good cable coverage and good grounding, would still work sufficiently without the air terminals.
