Category Archives: Enclosed

Frequently Asked Questions about Lightning Protection Systems


Frequently Asked Questions about Lightning Protection Systems

Q. Do lightning rods actually attract lightning?
A. No; they neither attract nor repel lightning. If lightning strikes, a protection system simply creates a pre-determined path of low resistance to the ground, facilitating a harmless discharge of the lightning strike.

Q. Our home is grounded; doesn’t that protect us?
A. No; a house may be grounded to insure electrical safety; however, grounding is not intended to prevent lightning damage.

Q. Our antenna is grounded; doesn’t that protect us?
A. No; an antenna is not designed to handle a lightning strike. It allows dangerous current to enter the home.

Q Don’t our trees protect our home? .
A. No; many times after trees are struck, the lightning can be sideflashed to the house.

Q. Can’t we install our own lightning protection?
A. No; an improperly-installed system may be very dangerous. Lightning protection is a very specialized industry requiring trained technicians. A proper system takes into account your home’s design, construction, electrical components, soil condition, location and more.

Q. Won’t it ruin the aesthetics of our home?
A. No; the system can be concealed within the walls during the construction stage. For existing homes, conductors can be semi-concealed.
